Nonton Jazz di Gunung?

Yap. Nonton Jazz di Gunung. Kebayang ga sih gimana? Well, gue ga pernah mikir juga sih. Cuma belakangan ini gara-gara gue nonton drama Thailand yang ngeliput tentang festival musik di gunung gue jadi penasaran juga. Seru kali ya nonton acara musik bintang favorit di daerah yang sejuk dan pastinya ga usah pusing tentang polusi apalagi macet hehehe.

Dan itu beneran seru kok. Abis gue nonton drama itu, gue browsing dan nemu event tahunan yaitu Jazz Gunung. Wow. Gue langsung excited gajelas. Karna lo pasti bakal ngerasa beda banget. Musik jazz itu kan lembut, groovy, dan unik ditambah udara pegunungan yang dingin dan sejuk terus pemandangannya... Paket komplit banget deh! Apalagi berkesempatan buat nyanyi bareng idola. Beh, unforgettable moment banget!

Terus gue kepoin deh event itu. Ternyata bukan dari alam juga yang bikin cantik. Lightning dan stage juga dibuat super unik. Dan artis yang main disana juga bukan cuma dari ibukota doang lho. Ada pemain musik tradisionalnya juga. Lengkap dengan alat musik tradisional yang jarang banget diliat apalagi dipegang sama anak-anak muda. hehe. Mereka pastinya bawain musik jazz yang asoy banget.

Belum lagi sama penontonnya. Menurut gue ini lumayan unik. Karena cuaca dingin,otomatis semua orang ga terkecuali artisnya pada pake jaket atau baju yang menghangatkan. Kapan lagi nonton jazz dengan baju yang seragaman? Hehehe. Yang pasti lo gabakal mati gaya deh atau minder dengan pakaian lo. Karna toh semua orang pakai jaket dan topi. Dan semua orang hampir semua pada pake jaket, berasa ada dress codenya ya. 

Credit: http://www.jazzgunung.com/gallery/nggallery/gallery/2012-day-1/

Nah liatkan gimana serunya Jazz Gunung. Ini pas JazzGunung 2012 hari 1. Liat viewnya.. Wow banget. Disana pasti lo bakal terpukau dan kedinginan hehehe. Tapi ga bakal lama. Lo masi tetap terpukau tapi udah ga kedinginan lagi. Euphorianya pasti udah beda, jadi lebih hangat kalo udah nonton idola kita. Yakan? 

Kapan lagi ada event jazz di gunung, dengan pemandangan yang super keren, bebas polusi, dan bagi-bagi tiket gratis + paket akomodasi dan tranportasi?

Ngomong-ngomong, tahun ini Jazz Gunung diadakan tanggal 20-21 Juni 2014 di Java Banana Bromo Lodge, Café & Gallery, Desa Wonotoro, Kecamatan Sukapura, Kabupaten Probolinggo. Nah kalo diliat itu akhir pekan dan event yang cocok banget buat keluarga dan pasangan :)

Buat nyari info yang lain bisa di buka di www.JazzGunung.com Happy stalking! :)


Catch The Catching Fire!

Yep, now Catching Fire is on cinema!! After all this time, we can enjoy Katniss's adventure and her love story on screen. Oh and watch Peeta's super good looking too.
This film was realesed on November 22. I like Hunger Games and am a Katniss-Gale shipper. Hehe. But sadly Katniss will choose Peeta over Gale.. Ops, well I talked too much! Don't want to be spoiler :P
But then I have upcoming final test next week. So do this test first and run to nearby cinema to watch my lovely Katniss Everdeen!



Have you ever heard about Beautiful Darkness? A tetralogy novel by Kami Garcia and Margareth Stohl. A fiction, about magic, caster, incubus and any other magic creatures. The sweet romantic story between Ethan Wate and Lena, the incubus and caster.
And you know what? This book was filmed and came out last September. So if you love magic or incubus thing, you'd better watch it.
In my opinion, this book is great with different plot but same idea with books nowadays. You can find an interesting story but still in your lovely idea. Happy reading! XOXO


May Kasahara said..

This one is from Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, one of my favorite. I love the main character and the story was as great as usual. So this book is highly recomended!


Mr. Gatsby

one of the greatest books all the time!

Meet a wonderful man!

“Before that, I didn’t write anything. I was just one of those ordinary people. I was running a jazz club, and I didn’t create anything at all.”
Olaa! Hey guys, how’s life? Must be better than me, huh? Okey, I’m here not to tell you about my stupid or sad or crazy life. I just want to share a great thought about someone. He’s special of course. He is the only fiction writer that I worship. Mr. Haruki Murakami.
The first time I read his works, it was just a coincidence. I was reading a magazine, and then I found the review about ‘Kafka on The Shore.’ I was curious at that time so I browsed, downloaded it, and I never read that ever since. Why? Simple. Bored. It was boring, and I completely didn’t understand the story. Until some lazy day, I read it. And read it. I finished it in 3 days or more. Less than a week. And then I regret, how stupid I was. That was the best book! No kidding! Maybe for some of you will  be bored too, or even it was cheesy but all you have to do just read it and flip the pages.
Mr. Murakami’s point of view is so different with most people. It’s like sky and earth, or moon and stars. And he open my eyes that there are things outhere that do exist.  weird things, scary things, unbelieveable things, or things that you never imagined.  They are out there, somewhere on this planet. He always sureprises the readers with different kind of story but same way of thingking. Different but there’s a similiarity. after I read that I downloaded all his books, which is available on the internet and free, the short stories too. And again I amaze with this man. I just love his works. And his point of view. And his world. Gosh.
Mr. Murakami, however, married. Well, this is kinda sad, tbh, hehe. His wife named Yoko. They met when he studied drama at Waseda University in Tokyo. He was born in Kyoto, on January 12th  1949. He is 64 now. Even though he is old I can tell he is really handsome for his age, hehe. Here he is:

Haruki opened a coffeehousee, too, that’s one of my bucket list. He is a marathon runner and triathlete enthuasiast. He must be very healthy man, on 1996 he completed his first marathon, 100 kilometer race around Lake Saroma in Hokkaido, Japan. This is wow, because I never completed any racing or even a jogging.  
After books and short stories, his first novel, Hear the Wind Sing (Kaze no uta wo kike) was adapted by Kazuki Mori, a Japanese director. This film was distributed by Art Theatre Guild in 1981. What a shame that I haven’t watched that. Of course, bit! You hadn’t born that time! Yeah, kind a suck. And I love this one short stories On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning. The story was great and it happened on April, my favorite month! That one was filmed in 1983 and I’m dying to watch that!
Haruki Murakami is such a great author and translator, I haven’t mention that, have i? yeah he translated some works of another great author to Japanese. And his works was translated to English. Until this time, I haven’t read all his books. And I haven’t owned all his works. I’m looking forward for it but with school and things, hahh I haven’t gotten a perfect time. The only time I have is next December during the holidays. Well, wish me luck for the hunting!
Source : Wikipedia English

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